Penguins Provide Christmas Cheer in South Korea

South Korean Theme Park Dress Up Penguins In Novelty Outfits For Christmas

A family of nine jackass, also known as African, penguins marched through the Everland amusement park in Yongin dressed as Santa Claus, reindeer and Christmas trees.

The parade was led by the penguins' trainers, one dressed as Santa Claus and carrying a fennec fox, also dressed for the occasion.

The jackass penguins, named for the braying sound they make, are found exclusively off the coast of Africa.

Excessive hunting and loss of habit has caused the penguins populations to dwindle, making them a protected species.

The Christmas penguin parade will be featured at the park until the end of the year.

Penguins Provide Christmas Cheer in South Korea by NTDTV

Source :, yahoo news


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