Safety Education by Transgenders at Traffic Signals.

Would you wear your seatbelt the next time you hear a transgender asking you, "Hey naughty girl, tell your boyfriend to wear your seat belt" or "Hey sexy guy, stop filming me and wear your seat belt."

Safety Education by Transgenders at Traffic Signals.
Eunuchs can be seen guiding motorists regarding road safety.
A video of a group of eunuchs dressed as plane cabin crew giving advice on safe driving has now gone viral.
"If you wear your seat belt, we will bless you," they are heard saying.
The video message has been created by SeatBelt Crew.
So, if you have been ignoring the safety tips till now, this clip can surely be a unique reminder.
Some quotes from the video:
"May I have your attention please?
If you are going to drive like a pilot, then you should know some things.
Your car doesn't have an oxygen mask, under your seat belt you won't find a life jacket. But you do have a seat belt. Then why aren't you wearing it honey?
You want me to teach you?
Reach for your seat belt and pull the buckle acros your body...
Hey naughty girl, tell your boyfriend to wear your seat belt.
Hey sexy guy, stop filming me and stop your seat belt."



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